Blessing #10 – October 2, 2013
Is Commitment Challenging for You?
I ask myself why is commitment so difficult for many people? It’s not only a challenge for people to commit to God and others, but it’s hard for people to commit to themselves.
No matter how much you have it together there is some area of your life that lacks commitment. Whether you could not keep the commitment to lose the weight you promised yourself ; read that book you know you should have finished or even stay loyal or faithful in a personal or business relationship.
When you see so many people struggling with the same thing, it’s a clear indication that help is needed by God. He can give us wisdom and direction in areas of our lives that are difficult for us to master!
King Solomon says there is nothing new under the sun, which means there is nothing and I mean nothing that God has not already seen, heard or helped someone else through. So, there’s no need to feel embarrassed if you need help in the area of commitment.
God is the Ultimate Leader who leads by example. Everything He expects of us He did it First. He loved us First. He provided for our every need First. He sacrificed His Only Begotten Son First.
This shows us that commitment requires YOU to take an initiative to be better. When you make Love a First priority to God and then to yourself, it’s easier to Love others. Love will automatically Provide you with the Wisdom to create an atmosphere in your life that’s conducive not only for yourself, but others around you. Lastly, commitment requires Sacrifice. In order to receive you must First Give!
Remember for every struggle in your life God has a remedy. We should not only listen to what God says, we must also pay attention to what He does.
Scripture: Psalm 37: 5-6 (NKJV)
5 “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. 6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.”
Search your heart and mind for one place in your life that you desire to be more committed today. Write it down and search out a scripture related to the commitment challenge. Read and meditate the scripture three times each day for the next three days.
Lord, I commit myself to you this day and ask for the wisdom and strength to commit to myself and others. I ask You for forgiveness and I forgive myself for falling short in this area of my life. I know I need the help of your Holy Spirit in this area to grow in commitment. I want to become not only a hearer, but a doer of Your Word. So I give you permission to show me the way to commitment.I pray this in Jesus Name, Amen
I Wish You All the Blessings Your Life Can Hold!