Tammy Peak-Williams


Wooow so I can write a book on this question literally lol but I will try to minimize it and sum it up. PSYD has impacted my spiritual, business & personal life! Power start has help shape, groom and purge me into the Woman I want to be. Nicola Smith-Jackson you are truly an amazing spirit filled Woman. You have taught me how to build my business, how to be the selfless leader I am and how to continue my spiritual walk as the Woman of God, God has chosen me to be. Your realness and how you give it to us straight up is just what we need. I love you on a personal level because of your obedience, consistency daily and you giving us what God gives you I am a better Queen. My business is better, my life is better. I’ve never been perfect and a lot of the things I went through in life I went through because I wasn’t disciplined enough or I was following the wrong crowd and not the cloud of Jesus. I am stronger, braver and wiser than ever before because of PSYD. I’m forever grateful to my mentor Coach Kevin Blake for introducing me to your platform. I can’t make anyone do anything but I duplicated what was done to me by inviting and encouraging my team daily to get on PSYD. I love how you open up the calls and we converse about so many topics. I take value from every person that comes in the cue. I know I can be long winded when I come in the cue and it’s never to get fame or attention but to let out of me what people need to hear like so many others did for me. I love everything about PSYD & the impact it’s had on me. Thank you again Queen for all that you do and have done, you’re amazing and definitely God Sent!🙏🏾👑🙏🏾👑🙏🏾👑

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