6/14/19 – Financial Freedom Friday: “Freedom Ain’t Free”

We are wrapping up this week’s lesson on turning Obstacles into Opportunity. We have lots of great calls and testimonies about how focus and effort bring you the results you want. Our scripture today is familiar: Philippians [3:14]: “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upper call of God in Christ Jesus.” We need our vision first and foremost. If you have the vision with the focus and effort, you can get any result you want out of life. Without the vision, you won’t be able to decipher the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity. This is what we should all be striving for. We give more focus, attention and effort to our shortcomings. Be we don’t maximize our strengths. Don’t let your obstacles blind you to opportunities. And remember in this Financial Freedom Friday: Freedom Ain’t Free! So do you have the vision, focus and effort to manifest the life you want?

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